Islamic College of Brisbane

Brief description of the sickbay’s purpose and services offered.

The sick bay is a first aid station only and is designed for short term care only. If you receive a call from the nurse or administration staff regarding your child, please organise prompt pick up. Your child may require medical assistance or a visit to the doctor.

The decision to send a student home is made after consideration and safety of all students and staff.  It is difficult to learn when you are unwell or in pain and your child’s illness can be a distraction to other students and staff, for example, if your child is coughing. 

Communication is essential. Sick or injured children become very emotional while they are waiting for their parents to arrive. If there is going to be a delay, please notify the nurse or administration staff. It is a requirement that the person who collects your child for an early departure, signs the student out at Reception. If the person collecting your child is not a parent they will be asked for ID before taking your child from school. Please let us know who will be collecting your child.

The school requests that you please keep children who are unwell or contagious at home. If you are unsure please speak to the school nurse or your doctor.

Mention if the sickbay provides only basic first aid or if there’s a nurse or medical professional available. 

The sick bay is managed by a Registered Nurse with relief from administration/teaching staff for morning tea and lunch breaks.  The sick bay is available to students and staff for:

  • Injuries  
  • Illnesses
  • Management of medical conditions (eg. asthma, anaphylaxis, diabetes and epilepsy)
  • Administration of medications

Basic and advanced first aid is provided in the sick bay.  If further intervention is required, parents will be contacted to collect and see a Doctor or an ambulance will be called for serious injuries/illnesses.


Operating Hours: 

Clearly state the regular operating hours of the sickbay.  8am-4pm

Mention any after-hours or emergency procedures if applicable.  Report to A block Reception 


Contact Information: 

Provide contact details, including phone number and email, for the sickbay or health services office. 


Sick Leave Policy: 

Explain the school’s policy on sick leave for students and any procedures for notifying the school about absences due to illness.  

It is a legal requirement that parents provide an explanation for all student absences (Obtained from the current Attendance and Punctuality Policy).

If there has been an absence of 3 days or more due to illness/injury, a medical certificate needs to be supplied to the school. 

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