1. Fee Statements
Fee statements are sent out in the first week of the school holidays. The statement will show the Tuition Fee, Levies, and Voluntary Building Fund.
Parents/ Guardians are requested to settle the fees account by the due date shown on the account.
2. Payment Options
Periodical payment of direct debit makes it easier for the payment of fees. Please contact our office if you wish to setup this method of payment.
Other payment options are available including cash, eftpos, and BPay.
For parents’ convenience, credit card payment over the phone is accepted.
3. Reminder Messages
A follow up call will be made to all families who have not settled the fees account by due date and no payment plan is in place. If the fees account remains outstanding, the reminder letter will be sent out.
If the full amount cannot be made, parents are encouraged to contact our office to make a firm payment arrangement that is mutually acceptable.
A second reminder letter will be sent out referring to the previous letter reminding that payment has fallen due. Immediate account settlement in full or contact with our office by the specific date provided on the reminder letter is requested. If this matter is not resolved by the specified date, this will result in the cancellation of the child enrolment.
If the school does not receive any response to the reminder letters, a final reminder letter will be sent out. The school will then be left with no alternative other than to refer the matter to the school’s enrolment officer to cancel the child’s enrolment.
If fees account have not been settled by the end of the year and with no agreed payment plan arrangement, this will result in cancellation of the enrolment for the next year.
4. Payment Difficulties
School will consider remissions on tuition fees to current enrolled students’ families who are having financial difficulties.
Remissions on tuition fees are not ongoing and applications together with updated supportive documents must be resubmitted at the beginning of each school year.