Our school's behaviour code is built within the framework of three Rs :
* Rights
* Rules
* Responsibilities
The three Rs apply to the entire school community including students, teachers, and parents. The application of this code has enabled the school to :
* Maintain good discipline among the students;
* Create a school culture characterised by safe behaviour, self-respect, and respect for others and property;
* Achieve and maintain high standards in school work.
Responsibilities of Students
The responsibilities of students are to :
* come to school regularly and punctually in proper school uniform;
* come ready to learn and take part in all school activities;
* strive to achieve the highest standards in all aspects of school life;
* work cooperatively with all members of staff and accept the authority and rules of the school;
* be considerate and respect the feelings and property of others;
* take care of the school property including grounds, buildings, furniture, equipment and books;
* maintain a healthy and pleasant learning environment at the school, and
* observe Islamic manners, etiquette and culture at all times.
Responsibilities of Parents
The responsibilities of parents are to :
* support the school in setting the highest standards in all it tries to do;
* ensure that their children come to school regularly and punctually, refreshed, alert, dressed in school uniform and ready to undertake school work;
* take an active interest in their children's school work and progress by assisting children with homework and maintaining contacts with teachers;
* familiarise yourself with school's Behaviour Management Plan, and other School Policy Documents and support the authority and discipline of the school helping their children to achieve maturity, self-discipline and self-control;
* monitor and control their children's use of leisure time activities and entertainments; and
* encourage and help their children take part in all school activities including sports, excursions, Australasian Schools Competitions and other activities.
Responsibilities of the School
The responsibilities of the school are to :
* recognise and develop individual student's talents as fully as possible;
* prepare thoroughly and teach effectively to achieve the highest standards in academic work and behaviour;
* carry out our duty of care with utmost care and high sense of responsibility;
* make every effort to prepare students for life so that they are able to succeed in a constantly changing world when they leave school;
* establish and maintain a regular communication with parents as a basis for close cooperation between school and home;
* instil in students Islamic manners, etiquette and culture, and ensure they are observed at all times