At Islamic College of Brisbane we offer each primary class a forty-five minute physical education lesson per week. Attendance at this lesson is compulsory unless a note detailing an acceptable reason for exclusion is presented to the sports teacher. Students are required to wear their sports uniform, a hat, and correct sports shoes when participating in outdoor physical education lessons.
Throughout the year students will develop skills in a variety of sports such as basketball, T-Ball, Athletics, Netball and Soccer (to name a few). These sporting units are designed to develop student’s skills and provide them with the ability to apply these newly learnt skills to a game environment. Physical Education at the college will also enhance students’ mental and social development, fair play, their capacity for team work, and self-confidence. The College provides students with the opportunity to participate in various Gala Days throughout the year and offers after school programs run at the school. We acknowledge students outstanding sporting achievements with awards each year.